There are many kinds of main parameters of MOSFET, which contain DC current, AC current parameters and limit parameters, but the general application only need to care about the following basic parameters: saturation state of the leakage source current IDSS pinch-off voltage Up, transconductance gm, leakage source breakdown voltage BUDS, the larger loss output power PDSM and larger leakage source current IDSM.

1.Saturated leakage source current
The saturated drain-source current IDSS means the drain-source current at gate voltage UGS = 0 in junction or depletion type insulated-layer gate MOSFETs.
2. Clip-off voltage
The pinch-off voltage UP means the gate voltage operating voltage in a junction or depletion type insulated layer gate MOSFET that makes the drain-source just cut-off. Figure out what IDSS and UP actually mean.
3、Turn on voltage
The turn-on voltage UT means the gate voltage operating voltage in a reinforced insulated-gate MOSFET so that the drain-source interconnect is just turned on. Figure out what UT actually means.

The transguide gm is used to indicate the ability of the gate source voltage to control the drain current, that is, the ratio between the change of the drain current and the change of the gate source voltage.
5、Maximum loss of output power
Maximum loss output power also belongs to the limit parameter, which means the maximum drain-source loss power that can be allowed when the performance of the MOSFET is normal and unaffected. When we use the MOSFET, its functional loss should be lower than the PDSM and a certain value.
6、Maximum leakage source current
The maximum drain-source current, IDSM, is also a limiting parameter, which means the maximum current allowed to pass between the drain and source of a MOSFET during normal operation, and must not be exceeded when the MOSFET is in operation.
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