About MOSFET driver
In contrast to the dual spinning crystal triode, it is generally felt that making the MOSFET conduct does not use an electrical flow, but only requires the GS voltage to be higher than a certain value. It is relatively easy to do this, we mainly need a certain rate. For ... -
Parallel Theory of MOSFETs and Transistors
About the basic theory of paralleling transistors and MOSFETs: Firstly, transistors have a negative exponential temperature value, that is to say, when the temperature of the transistor itself rises, the on-resistance will become smaller. Secondly, MOSFETs have a positiv... -
Circuit situation of mosfet application
When designing a switching power supply or motor drive circuit with a mosfet, most people will consider the on-resistance of the mos transistor, the maximum voltage, and the maximum current, but that's all they will consider. Such a circuit may work, but it is not a high... -
MOSFET Classification Characteristics
MOSFET because of its high input resistance, low noise, thermal stability, integrated advantages in electronic circuits and its large power flow, large operating voltage power supply circuit is widely used; proper application, identify the MOSFET pin, polarity is very important, with the same tra... -
MOSFET type and construction
Along with the continuous development of science and technology, electronic equipment design engineers must continue to follow the footsteps of intelligent science and technology, to choose more suitable electronic components for the go... -
About MOSFET package type
Along with the continuous development of science and technology, electronic equipment design engineers must continue to follow the footsteps of intelligent science and technology, to choose more suitable electronic components for the go... -
Difference between output power MOSFET and bipolar output power crystal triode
Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, semiconductors are used in more and more industries, in which the MOSFET is also considered a very common semiconductor device, the next step is to understand what is the d... -
Characteristics of Enhanced MOSFETs
Power MOSFET is een relatief veel voorkomende klasse van voedingsapparaten, "MOSFET" is de Engelse "Metal Oxide Semicoductor Field Effect Transistor" afkorting. Het wordt gebruikt voor vermogen eindtrap apparaat, de sleutel door het met... -
De rol van vermogens-MOSFET-apparaten
Power MOSFET is een relatief veel voorkomende klasse van voedingsapparaten, "MOSFET" is de Engelse "Metal Oxide Semicoductor Field Effect Transistor" afkorting. Het wordt gebruikt voor vermogen eindtrap apparaat, de sleutel door het met... -
MOSFET Selection | N-Channel MOSFET Construction Principles
Metal-Oxide-SemIConductor structure of the crystal transistor commonly known as MOSFET, where MOSFETs are divided into P-type MOSFETs and N-type MOSFETs. The integrated circuits composed of MOSFETs are also called MOSFET integrated circ... -
Flow of MOSFET testing
MOSFET Detection Flow MOSFETs, as one of the most basic devices in the semiconductor field, are widely used in various product designs and board-level circuits. Especially in the field of high-power semiconductors, MOSFETs of various st... -
Important Steps on MOSFET Selection
Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, semiconductors are used in more and more industries, in which the MOSFET is also considered a very common semiconductor device, the next step is to understand what is the d...